Thursday, July 8, 2010

My vacation getaway!!!

So not much to report today other than the fact that tomorrow is my last day at work for a week so that I can vacation on the lovely white sandy beaches of Hawaii.You have no idea how unbelievably excited I am about this trip since my last Hawaii trip was such a disaster. (That is way too long of a story to tell at this time, but I'm sure it'll be posted on here at some point. Moral at the end of the day about that vacation: NEVER EVER LET YOUR BROTHER'S GIRLFRIEND VACATION WITH YOU!)

So me and my Mom and Dad will be staying at a beach house in Kailua on the island of Oahu for 1 week. (Not long enough at all, but I will take what I can get!) Our martial arts instructor/adopted grandfather Professor Libert O'Sullivan lives over there and we will be spending some much needed and deserved time with him and his family.I'm so anxious to finally meet his wife and spend some quality time with his ohana!As for all of my favorite T-Bird staff and students you will all be dearly missed, but to be honest the last thing I will be thinking about is that place!I'm just happy to get away!Yay!

So below you will find a link to the place we are renting. I will be blogging and uploading pictures while I'm over there, hopefully! *FINGERS CROSSED* More to come on all that! Hope you all had a TERRIFIC THURSDAY today and I will be in touch!

Kailua Vacation

Until next time...ALOHA and MAHALO!

<3 Stace <3

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